Home Values in 2021

What Does 2021 Have in Store for Home Values?According to the latest CoreLogic Home Price Insights Report, nationwide home values increased by 8.2% over the last twelve months. The dramatic rise was brought about as the inventory of homes for sale reached historic lows at the same time buyer demand was buoyed by record-low mortgage rates. As CoreLogic explained:“Home price growth […]

Things To Avoid After Applying For A Mortgage

Things to avoid after applying for a mortgage Some HighlightsThere are a few key things to make sure you avoid after applying for a mortgage to help make sure you still qualify for your loan at the closing table.Along the way, be sure to discuss any changes in income, assets, or credit with your lender, so you […]

Financial Fundamentals For Homebuyers

Some HighlightsWhen you’re thinking about buying a home, there are a few key steps to take before you even start to look at houses.From saving for your down payment to getting pre-approved for a mortgage, you’ll want to make sure you keep your financial plan on track from the beginning.Let’s connect today to make sure […]
